Covid-19 Telehealth Policy

Perth Family Psychology offers therapy sessions online or by phone. These sessions are called Telehealth sessions and allow our clients to continue their therapy should we face Covid 19 restrictions. It also means we are able to support clients who are based in rural or remote areas. For some of our families it can be difficult to leave the house so telehealth may be an alternative - please contact our friendly admin team to discuss your options.

What Is Telehealth Or Online Therapy?

We use practice management software to conduct therapy sessions online or via the phone. This platform is compliant with Australian privacy laws and requirements and features end-to-end encryption. If you have used FaceTime or Zoom you will be familiar with how a video conference works. We can also speak over the phone - again this process is secure and private.

Is This Option For Me?

When we face Covid restrictions, having the option to conduct sessions virtually means you will continue to receive mental health support. It also allows us to be of service to families who are not based in the Perth Metro area. For some of our clients attending an in-person session is too difficult due to issues with childcare, personal difficulties or disabilities so having the option to commence and continue telehealth therapy means location is no longer a barrier to seeking mental health support.

When our community is required to practice social distancing and we are placed on Covid restrictions, telehealth sessions allow you to continue to receive psychological care. It also means you can attend sessions even if you are slightly unwell and are practicing social distancing/isolation.

Are Virtual Therapy Sessions Effective?


Given this new pandemic world we are living in, many health professions have moved to online digital services.You may have even had some of these sessions with your GP during the height of the pandemic or during one of our lockdowns. The Australian Psychological Society states that:

Psychological treatment provided using videoconferencing technology has been found to be as effective as a face-to-face appointment for a variety of mental health problems.

What Will I Need?

  • You will need access to a quiet, private space

  • A device, i.e. smartphone, laptop, iPad, computer, with a camera, microphone and speakers

  • Reliable broadband internet connection

You will get a reminder email a few days before each appointment which will include a link that you simply click on to start the session.

How Many Treatment Sessions Can Be Accessed?

If you are eligible for telehealth psychological services, you can receive Medicare rebates for up to 10 telehealth sessions with a mental health professional per calendar year. Speak to your GP to find out if telehealth sessions are available and appropriate for your circumstances.

How Do I Book?

​You can call our friendly admin team on (08) 6383 7840 or click here to contact us and book your first appointment.

A few days before your appointment, you will get a reminder email with a link for you to click on to join the online session.