Supporting the well-being of families throughout all stages of life


At Perth Family Psychology we offer an inviting and supportive place where you can discuss issues facing your family. We focus on child anxiety (including separation anxiety) and on conducting educational, cognitive, behavioural and functional assessments. We also offer counselling for children, adolescents and parents. Our mission is to provide high quality, caring and professional psychological services to all of the family.

Two girls sitting on a log outside laughing.
Dr Bailey Bosch, Principal Psychologist at Perth Family Psychology.

The care and understanding your family deserves

If you have found me I assume that you may be struggling with issues relating to your child or family system and I want to say straight up that I truly understand.

I’m Bailey Bosch, founder of Perth Family Psychology, and I know what it feels like to have a child who is struggling and how powerless it can make you feel. I have 6 children of my own and when our 5th child was born with serious health concerns, we were left in the hands of the medical professionals and had to put our trust in their expertise.

It was a difficult time and one that I will never be able to forget. I truly understand how a parent feels when their child needs care and the worry and frustration that comes with trying to find the best solutions to help them.

While I am well aware that seeking psychological assistance is not something you would choose to do, I am really glad that you are here because seeking early intervention is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child and, more broadly, your family.

While it might only be one individual who needs ‘help’ the whole family system is impacted so when you help one, you help all.

At Perth Family Psychology we focus on child anxiety (including separation anxiety) and on conducting educational, cognitive, behavioural and functional assessments.

I promise to treat our clients with compassion, respect and dignity and aim to foster meaningful relationships with the families in our care.


I aim to contribute to our community by supporting families to maximise their social, emotional and mental well-being. I am committed to using only evidence-based psychometric tools for the assessment of cognitive, educational, behavioural and emotional functioning.

From my heart to yours, I am glad you have found me. It is a privilege to be invited to assist families and to have them put their trust in me. I look forward to being of service.

Best wishes,

Dr Bailey Bosch handwritten signature.
Dr Bailey Bosch, Principal Psychologist at Perth Family Psychology.